When it comes to transforming designs into an actual home, it can be hard to establish which builder is going to do your vision justice. From budgets to buildability, there’s plenty to look for. With over 60% of projects never getting built, here’s how we set ourselves apart from the pack & stop you being one of those statistics.
We recognise the importance of a strong team. There is a good reason that individuals get together to create teams. It produces a better result than one can produce on their own. As individuals we all have our own strengths & weaknesses. As a team, we can use everybody’s strengths. As a result, we take a collaborative approach between all parties, operating on a shared focus of getting the project built on time & on budget. To ensure our relationship has strong foundations, we take the time to produce an incredibly detailed cost analysis, usually spanning 10-30 pages. Details will include the project price, detailed scope of works, detailed exclusions, client’s own self completed selection sheet (fully customized), scheduled agreed start date, project timelines and progress payment % breakdowns.

Controlling the budget
Engaging a builder early in the construction process means you’ll never be caught unaware by budget blow-outs or have to redraft again & again. We are experts in pricing projects and can give you a full breakdown of costs, allowances, products and a realistic m2 rate to get your concept design started. This also helps prevent uncomfortable conversations with the client as to why the project is now way over budget. Any last-minute adjustments will be documented & priced before we move forward. We will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. We don’t low ball estimates to get our foot in the door.
Before committing to any project, we’ll assess the feasibility and organise approximate costings for the ‘project total’ so you can work out your actual build cost. We are always happy to visit each difficult or renovation project site as required to investigate for any issues, potential variations and collect data in preparation for a cost analysis, especially if they are complex renovations! We are constantly looking for innovative solutions to building issues and aim to present the latest techniques, cost saving ideas where required.
Building a strong relationship
At the end of the day, everybody wants to see their projects built. By working together, we can streamline processes, provide accurate budgets and improve timelines, delivering a home that exceeds all the client’s expectations. Best of all, we don’t lock you in at the costing stage – we see this as a chance to show off our service, skills and systems. That said, should you choose to partner with us, we’ll fully refund the costing service fee. A positive experience means higher chances of repeat business and higher job satisfaction all round – who would say no to that?